As Promised…

Yep so here I am again. Not to apologise for not writing this time. This time I’m here to tell you what has been going on in the life of Tabby (the bumbling, mostly useless, teenage girl).

So let’s start with September…
– I started year eleven
– I started mentoring in drama on Saturdays which means I spend 8 hours in a drama studio on a Saturday which I love.
– I found I get to be DSM (deputy stage manager) for a production full of small children which means I call cues and curtains and lights and songs and run the show from the wings
– I started rehearsals for pantomime and also the Shakespeare Schools Festival
– I took a lot of selfies

– I went to a campout (details to follow in separate blog post containing a hypothetical cockerel called Trevor)
– I got very very drunk
– I got very very very drunk
– My default greeting is now “BONJOUR!” in a thick yorkshire accent
– I now say merci instead of thanks

– I slowly started turning french
– I went to bonfire night with a massive group of friends which was awesome
– I went on a trip to Whitby for coursework and had fish and chips in a restaurant and pretended to be civilised
– I went to a party and fell over a lot
– I woke up with a lot of bruises and had no idea why I had them
– I ate a lot of pizza
– I performed in the Shakespeare Schools Festival (our school won) I got to eat haribos on stage and be mean to the audience and look really sassy which was fun
– I made up a badass handshake with my pantomime friend

– Pantomime starts
– I destain myself from punching several small children
– I took a lot of selfies in a cat costume
– I took a lot of selfies in a 50’s costume
– I had a social gathering for avid lovers of pizza and nachos
– I took my dog for a walk at midnight and saw a drunk man lying on the ground
– I saw another drunk man trying to walk straight
– I laughed
– Trip to Ikea whilst wearing a mushroom hat
– Took more selfies
– NEW YEAR!!!!

– Started wearing hats
– Took a picture of an adorable small child wearing my hat
– Went to a party and had jelly shots which i think are simply the best idea in the world
– Planned for my birthday party

It’s my birthday on Friday and I’m having a house party and I’m really excited but kind of scared at the same time… But mainly excited!

I also didn’t mention but I had my mock exams through November and December whilst only being in school 3 days a week due to performing… Which was interesting…
I’m happy with my results though. I did much better than I expected.

I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week and until I next see you,





Long time no see…
I’m not really sure what to say…

I haven’t been here in a while. It feels weird to be sat at my desk again typing and hoping that maybe someone finds me interesting enough to read whatever drivel spills out of my messy brain.

Let’s start with why I stopped blogging:
Basically I didn’t have the time. I stopped watching youtube and all the things i used to do purely because I didn’t have the time. I started pantomime rehearsals, I swapped friend groups and started going to parties and stuff and exam stress set in and I found it hard to make time for this any more.
With blogging however, it was always a little more. It was important for me. It was helpful. This site is like a support network and writing was a release. There were people here who were in the same position as me and it was nice to talk to them. And I have missed that. I have also missed writing. I stopped because I didn’t feel I was any good at it. In school I didn’t like English so I thought I was a useless writer. I also didn’t need the release so much anymore. I started to get better. I pulled myself up. I got more confident and for a while I had to be selfish and focus on me. It was a delicate time. I knew how easy it would be for me to fall back and lose my confidence and I had to change what I surrounded myself with. No YouTube no WordPress. I had to force myself to go outside.

Now let’s do why I’m back:
Quite simply because I enjoy being here (virtually). Recently I’ve been getting a lot of comments on how much people have enjoyed my last few posts (specifically the running one – yes I get it, we like to laugh at my expense, I’m hilarious, I’m north yorkshire’s answer to Miranda) and that’s kind of encouraged me to pursue my writing – thank you kind people for your encouraging words on how funny it is when I make a fool of myself in public. Also, in my mock exams I did really well in English. Really well, and I was really fucking proud, because I thought it was like my second weakest subject. I’ve kind of got to the point where I don’t really give a shit about what people have to say about me. I used to care so much when the “popular” girls took the piss out of me for having a blog and I used to let it get to me. Now, with only 4 months left at school with those bitches I don’t care what they say because I know whatever I set my mind to, I will succeed. And to quote Taylor Swift “I’m just gonna shake it off”

Mint. Covered the necessary. Be back soon to update y’all on the recent occurrences in my life because right now I’m sat in the pitch black of my room, only illuminated by my laptop screen when I should really be asleep…

I’m praying this snow will lay and get thicker so I don’t have to go into school tomorrow and explain to my English teacher who hates my guts why I haven’t done her homework that was due in today and tell my maths teacher that I didn’t do her homework because she set it yesterday, I didn’t have the desire nor the time to do it, and that the main reason I haven’t done it is because she’s an incompetent fool who I don’t have the time of day for.



I went to school

Double Geography can suck my dick.

Literally my thoughts for two hours of today.

Stupid teacher thought it would be a good idea to give us an exam on the first day back on a topic that we covered at the start of last year, purely because she hadn’t bothered with a lesson plan.

My timetable is death on paper.
On Monday I have double physics and double maths… If someone could kindly shoot me in the face, that would be nice… You don’t even have to do it kindly, just shoot me in the face.

So it’s only the first day and people have already started bitching. Seriously, I can’t be bothered with yo shit! STFU! If you come back from summer holiday and all you can talk about is me, then you clearly had a really boring summer.

Why is it that people feel the need to comment on my life or relationships? Has it got anything to do with you? No. How would you know what was going on in my relationship? Oh you didn’t? That’s funny because you seem to be talking an awful lot about it when you don’t know shit.

On a positive note, I was amused by the tiny year sevens getting lost, staring at their timetable and maps and wandering around in naïvety with hope and optimism glistening in their eyes (give it a term and that will be gone).

That has been my day.




Erm yeah hi again…

I realise I did a really shitty job of trying to make it up to you on my last post… I did, however, give you a completed song that actually made sense and stuff so you can’t complain too much.

Also I was busy…

Well I say “busy”…

In a loose sense of the word…

Well I did have a couple GCSEs and two plays and another play in rehearsal and coursework and mocks and stuff…

I’ve been to Lourdes, I got glasses, I went to Lille last week, I’ve watched all of Orange is the New Black (hurry the fuck up season 3 I want Laura Prepon back!!!), I got my results (an A* in statistics, A in core science), I smashed my phone, I kissed 7 different people, I went to 3 parties, I wrote several half finished songs, I made a cat out of potato, I saw a ford anglia, I got tweeted by Ophelia Dagger, hugged by a nun, got two injections, took shit loads of selfies and got a pedicure.

Oh yeah and I briefly managed to bag myself a boyfriend, which was nice. Until he broke up with me. Which, funnily enough, wasn’t so nice.

Hey ho, can’t complain I had two months of a guy thinking I (yes the girl that looks alarmingly like a walrus) was perfect. Yes I know, I thought he was delusional and clinically insane too.

Pros of breaking up:

1. I no longer have to pretend to be civilised

2. I don’t have to make my brain work to keep up with his intelligence

3. I don’t have to pretend to like English

4. I don’t have to put up with him spouting off about his anti-war opinions

5. I don’t have to listen to him go on and on about how every teacher ever loves him

6. I don’t have to share my food

7. I can finally finish Supernatural without him complaining about mythical inaccuracies

8. I can hang around with whoever the fuck I please without him objecting

Cons of breaking up

1. No one to make out with

2. No one to have in depth discussions about Skulduggery Pleasant with

3. No one to explain the fancy words I don’t understand

4. I don’t get to hang out with his super cool, ginger, thespian best friend who I think is insanely awesome and admire greatly (he’s off to a top drama university) – i think i’m gonna miss his friend more than him…

5. He was my drama teacher’s favourite and she suddenly liked me a lot more when I was with him. I fear I may be less like now

6. His mother is a teacher at my school which sucks major dick

7. I don’t get to go on the “couples campout” we’d planned with two other couples

So yeah it was fun while it lasted but now it’s over and I can find someone better who doesn’t think that Baz Luhrmann’s Great Gatsby is one of the worst films ever made (how? how could anyone possibly think that!?) At least he gave me my ukulele back (i said he could borrow my soprano) but he had fucking ruined it. He put it so out of tune, it made me physically shudder. I think he did more damage to my uke than my heart!

I went to a concert/festival thingy as well a few weeks ago. It’s a local thing that my town put on every year but I was always on holiday when it happened but this year I finally got to go. It was like a week after I had broken up with HIM and I was really looking forward to hanging with my friends, meeting some new people, dancing and just generally not giving a fuck. But when I got there, he was also there…

To be continued… (seriously this next part should be funny (you should totes read my next post)…. or at least it was from where I was standing)




Yeah, yeah I know!


…………………………………………………………………… Well I wasn’t but I was doing other important stuff…………………… …………….Well it wasn’t important really but ya know!

Well I was in Lourdes on pilgrimage during half term so I couldn’t write then I was busy being religious…….

Then I’ve got like exams and stuff that I actually have been revising for……..

Then the best part…… I’m actually being sociable and going out! I went out last night and ended up with some guys who kept trying to get us to go into a pub even though we are 3 years underage but still…. that pub’s a shit-hole and will serve anyone!

And then today there’s been…… Stuff……. Happening…… At drama…….

That’s the other thing, I’m busy learning lines for shows and stuff and I’m in the middle of downloading over 600 songs to my iTunes account.

So erm yeah not very interesting today, I’m afraid. Gonna have to go because things to see, people to do (no that’s definitely the right way around ;P)



Strasbourg Photos!!!!!

IMG_0116 This is 3am at a service station…. And by some miracle we don’t look like zombies

IMG_0010 When we got to Dover I got excited about the ferry (I love water) so I took a selfie

IMG_0012 Left to right this is Ashley, Gabi, Beth, Me and Kaitlyn at a Buffalo Grill in France at a service station while everyone else ditched us to go to Burger King. We even managed to order in french (badly… but I still managed to ask the waitress to leave out the onions!)

IMG_0133 Me and Ashley were not too enamoured with the food at the youth hostel…

IMG_0160 We climbed 330 steps to the top of the cathedral in Strasbourg and the view was awesome

IMG_0052 This is me, Kaitlyn and Gabi before we went in the spa and ohmigosh it was heavenly….. until Gabi forgot her locker number and lost her clothes…..

IMG_0053 Peter’s selfie face is better than yours…. This is in Baden Baden near the spa

IMG_0060 This is the European Parliament where the tour guide caused me, 2 other students and a teacher to actually fall asleep…

IMG_0179 This is some random blossom tree we found after eating ‘lunch’

IMG_0114 This is near said tree…

IMG_0067 This is near this weird building where cranes live on the roof  (the bird not machine….)

IMG_0081 This is what I MUST drink when I am in France

IMG_0001 This is a vase I made for my Dad’s birthday at a glass blowing museum

IMG_0094 This is a random horse at the Gutach open air museum that we took selfies with

IMG_0108 This is the group of people I went with in front of a big-ass waterfall

IMG_0110 This is a giant pretzel that I ate and enjoyed….. damn right I enjoyed it, I payed €1,10 for that!


Anyway thats just a few of the pictures I took whilst in Strasbourg….. Im sorry if this post bored you but for me this trip really changed me (I know this sounds stupid but hear me out)…. So my best friend (lets call her X) didn’t get to go because her passport never arrived on time. Now there was a lot of shit that went with this and I used to feel dependant on X (I’m not really that self-assured) so I was a bit worried about going alone… And then X kind of started getting bitchy when I tried to comfort her and I was like well what the fuck this is hardly fair! The one time I actually get something and you don’t! Well fuck it! I’m gonna enjoy myself!

Now let me explain…..

X’s family are a lot richer than mine so she gets a lot more than me. I am by no means complaining because I am perfectly happy with my life but what I mean is that I am never allowed to be jealous of her but the minute I get something that she doesn’t, she kicks up this huge fuss like she’s so hard done by. It’s like she has to have more than me to feel… well I don’t know!

Before secondary school, I was a really outgoing but through secondary school I have gotten more introverted and developed social anxiety. I have low self esteem and hate going outside. My mum kind of had suspicions that X had influenced this a little because X is not too sociable and is also introverted.

It was good for me to get away without X because I could have experiences with some of my other friends like Gabi and Kaitlyn who go to parties, are in the ‘popular’ group and whose weekends actually involve doing stuff with people! Now X, when we were sorting out rooms, kicked up a huge fuss because she didn’t get her way and was in a room with the two aforementioned girls and me (in the end she didn’t even go so wtf!). Now she was all “but I’m gonna feel awkward and I don’t want to share a room with them!” but you know what!?


They were hilarious and I loved every minute of that trip and they really boosted my confidence and made me feel like an equal and you know the other thing!?

If someone got upset (which happened once), we talked about it and it got sorted! Because that’s the only way that you can deal with fall outs because half the time it’s just a misunderstanding and I think that being with them opened my eyes a little and made me realise that X really needs to just grow up.

So basically I had a really great time and after feeling quite depressed and shitty and after everything I’ve been through, it was really nice to get away, spend time with people who I don’t normally hang around with and feel (for once) like I fitted in and belonged.

I just thought that I would share that with you. The fact that I am happy. Truly happy (I haven’t felt this way in a very long time and its fucking brilliant!)






I started watching Breaking Bad

It’s awesome!!!! I started watching on Friday night when I was babysitting and now I’m on season 2 episode 5…

Yeah so babysitting was actually really fun because they have a 51″ HD 3D smart TV with netflix so I ended up watching breaking bad!

I’m not sure if I’ll get round to posting next week as I am currently swamped in coursework 😦

Going to Strasbourg in 2 weeks!!!! EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK SO EXCITED!!!!

Getting my braces tightened on Friday 😦 Not looking forward to that!

Erm yeah so thats kind of all that’s happened (yes I know my life is crap!) so yeah….




So I went shopping yesterday….

This picture accurately displays my feelings about said shopping trip…


Confuddlement! I went because I needed some colourful tops. At the moment I have the choice of white lacey tops or novelty t shirts. All I could find in all shops was black, white and grey stuff! It was all the same in the same colours and I hated it! I ended up buying a pale blue vest top and a blue thin jumper and a blue checked shirt thingy and that was it!!! There was like nothing!!!

Also, my dale poster came and it’s amaze-balls!!!!!


So happy it came!!!!!!!!

So erm yeah… Also my neck hurts. Like a lot. I’m not entirely sure what I’ve done, I just woke up yesterday and ten minutes later it started hurting and it hasn’t stopped and I can’t move my head a lot. So that’s a bummer but oh well….

I had parents evening on Thursday and I was expecting it to go something like this

Teacher 1: Well Tabby has a tendency to rush homework and she is quite challenging in class

Teacher 2: I’m a little disappointed with the fact that Tabby is not achieving her A* target

Teacher 3: Your child is the most annoying little shit on the face of the Earth

Teacher 4: Can you please make sure that Tabby no longer stabs people in my lesson

Teacher 5: Can you please tell your child not to challenge my authority

But actually it was awesome…. Like every teacher was all “Tabby seems a lot happier than a few months ago” and “Tabby has really matured this year” and “Tabby is doing really well in (insert subject here) and she will have no problem getting her A* next year”….. I just kind off sat there going who are you and what have you done with (insert teacher’s name here)…. One teacher even apologised to me!!!!

So yeah it’s been a good week and I am so close to getting 100 followers on this blog and ahhhhh!!!!

So on that note…




I just ate 40 pieces of popcorn chicken…

Well technically I had 26 pieces of popcorn chicken, 5 chicken nuggets and 2 chicken dippers… I think I have a problem with chicken…..

Please don’t judge me I couldn’t help it, it just sort of happened….

Anyways, I have so many posts that I want to do but I want to write them all now and I can’t because that’s stupid and I don’t know why but I feel super hyper right now and I’m typing like so freaking fast…..

Right, I have things that I want to tell you but can’t so that is gonna have to wait until maybe tomorrow or 3 in the morning when I get a random spurt of energy and decide to solve the economic crisis, write a novel and paint a fucking masterpiece…

Jesus my brain is super fucked up right now.

So this has been my week….

Monday: Went to Beth’s for sleepover and met her cousin Niamh who is awesome. Elly broke my fucking brace by falling on me when she sprinted to answer the phone to the pizza guy. She pulled one of the brackets off and it fucking hurt!

Tuesday: Left Beth’s and went to Shepperton (near London) to visit friends.

Wednesday: Bought a purple notebook from Paperchase (part of my OCD-ness, you wouldn’t understand it’s weird) and bought a dress for a stupid wedding in March (hoping to God that there’s gonna be hot guys!)

Thursday: Came back from Shepperton

Friday: Got my brace fixed… Oh yeah and Elly came round and we did fuck all….

Saturday: Gavin was here (foster kid) so we didn’t do a lot. Worked on English spoken language project and watched Bridget Jones’s Diary

Sunday: Looked like shit and didn’t get out of my pj’s until like one o’clock…. Then did fuck all….

Yeah so basically I did fuck all and now it’s 23:15 and I have 3 pieces of homework in for this week…. Shit.

In other, slightly more interesting news, I auditioned for the school play and got the part of Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream which is cool…. Also my love interest in the play isn’t to bad to look at so that’s a plus *Beth rolls her eyes and gives condescending look*….

Also the Strasbourg trip is only 5 weeks away and I still haven’t lost enough fucking weight to look good in my bikini at the spa!!!!! Yes we’re going to a spa on a school trip!!!!

I did the stupid poetry competition and all the other competitors were 17/18 except one. I placed 2nd which is cool and it was actually quite a fun night because the other ‘kids’ were pretty cool and we all got on quite well.

Right, anyway, I think I have bombarded you with enough information for now so I’m going to go and attempt to sleep which will probably fail because at the moment my mind is all over the fucking place and I keep thinking about people that I should definitely NOT be thinking about! *internal voice screams ‘yeah brain stfu and go to fucking sleep’*

Adieu my internet friends I must go and wrestle with my thoughts….



I got braces!

Yeah so that happened this morning. I missed my Chemistry GCSE coursework practical and then had to swap sets in the afternoon to do it with set 2 which was interesting. I think it’s going okay… my coursework i mean.

Anyway, yeah I got my braces put on this morning and that was………… an experience. They’re pink because I thought pink would look nice and I actually don’t mind how I look with them. I kinda like them. It’s just that now, they kinda hurt…. a lot. But it’s not that bad, it’s bearable. I have to go back in six weeks to get them tightened and I think I’m gonna get turquoise ones.

This is my face on the way to get braces



As pictures of my face go, this is quite a nice one….. If I do say so myself (and i do!)

And this is my face after my trip to the orthodontists



Yes I am in Mcdonalds DON’T JUDGE ME!!!! I had a milkshake………..and chips…….

As you can see I do not look as nice as before, the dentist ruined my hair. (#firstworldproblems)


I would also like to take this opportunity too say that I am sorry for not doing the awards that you kind people give me and I am sorry for not blogging once a week.

Also in my life….. I started dance again! Yay! I now do grade 3 tap, grade 5 tap, intermediate foundation ballet, pointe and body conditioning. Plus, I am going to the regional competition round of Poetry By Heart competition on Wednesday and I have learnt 2/3 poems. I have an audition tomorrow for the part of Titania in the school play A Midsummer Night’s Dream and I got Anne Boleyn in the youth theatre production Henry The Tudor Dude.

Yes I have been busy learning stuff (not to mention the 4 hour controlled assessment I had in English for my GCSE that I had to revise for and the coursework exams in science and the statistics test and maths test I have next week)

So forgive me for not blogging I have been doing all of that and trying to watch as much Supernatural as possible (I’m now on season 6!)

So just a quick(ish) update on my miserable excuse of a life. I have to go now. After drinking copies amounts of tea, my bladder is now refusing to hold any more.

Goodbye, I will leave you with this
