
Erm yeah hi again…

I realise I did a really shitty job of trying to make it up to you on my last post… I did, however, give you a completed song that actually made sense and stuff so you can’t complain too much.

Also I was busy…

Well I say “busy”…

In a loose sense of the word…

Well I did have a couple GCSEs and two plays and another play in rehearsal and coursework and mocks and stuff…

I’ve been to Lourdes, I got glasses, I went to Lille last week, I’ve watched all of Orange is the New Black (hurry the fuck up season 3 I want Laura Prepon back!!!), I got my results (an A* in statistics, A in core science), I smashed my phone, I kissed 7 different people, I went to 3 parties, I wrote several half finished songs, I made a cat out of potato, I saw a ford anglia, I got tweeted by Ophelia Dagger, hugged by a nun, got two injections, took shit loads of selfies and got a pedicure.

Oh yeah and I briefly managed to bag myself a boyfriend, which was nice. Until he broke up with me. Which, funnily enough, wasn’t so nice.

Hey ho, can’t complain I had two months of a guy thinking I (yes the girl that looks alarmingly like a walrus) was perfect. Yes I know, I thought he was delusional and clinically insane too.

Pros of breaking up:

1. I no longer have to pretend to be civilised

2. I don’t have to make my brain work to keep up with his intelligence

3. I don’t have to pretend to like English

4. I don’t have to put up with him spouting off about his anti-war opinions

5. I don’t have to listen to him go on and on about how every teacher ever loves him

6. I don’t have to share my food

7. I can finally finish Supernatural without him complaining about mythical inaccuracies

8. I can hang around with whoever the fuck I please without him objecting

Cons of breaking up

1. No one to make out with

2. No one to have in depth discussions about Skulduggery Pleasant with

3. No one to explain the fancy words I don’t understand

4. I don’t get to hang out with his super cool, ginger, thespian best friend who I think is insanely awesome and admire greatly (he’s off to a top drama university) – i think i’m gonna miss his friend more than him…

5. He was my drama teacher’s favourite and she suddenly liked me a lot more when I was with him. I fear I may be less like now

6. His mother is a teacher at my school which sucks major dick

7. I don’t get to go on the “couples campout” we’d planned with two other couples

So yeah it was fun while it lasted but now it’s over and I can find someone better who doesn’t think that Baz Luhrmann’s Great Gatsby is one of the worst films ever made (how? how could anyone possibly think that!?) At least he gave me my ukulele back (i said he could borrow my soprano) but he had fucking ruined it. He put it so out of tune, it made me physically shudder. I think he did more damage to my uke than my heart!

I went to a concert/festival thingy as well a few weeks ago. It’s a local thing that my town put on every year but I was always on holiday when it happened but this year I finally got to go. It was like a week after I had broken up with HIM and I was really looking forward to hanging with my friends, meeting some new people, dancing and just generally not giving a fuck. But when I got there, he was also there…

To be continued… (seriously this next part should be funny (you should totes read my next post)…. or at least it was from where I was standing)




It’s over

So despite the play being about everyone dying we actually had a lot of fun with it. I mean there was probably more drama off stage than on but that happens every time youth theatre do a show! Backstage is always the best bit! The jokes, rumours and chocolate eating! So now it is over. All those weeks of rehearsals for two nights. I didn’t get in until 10:30 last night and didn’t sleep till midnight and then I woke up at 4:30 in the morning. So I’m a bit tired but I am not going to bed early tonight. Not when The Apprentice is on!!!

It’s another quick one but I have a lot on my mind and am busy panicking about stuff! I have table tennis tomorrow so everyone can laugh at my lack of co-ordination. I am far too violent for table tennis, I don’t think it’s my sport.

So yeah my mind is already drifting to other matters so I shall go now…





I am in Geography and I am sneakily writing a blog

Hello. I am sneakily writing a post. Again. I am meant to be researching the 2004 tsunami and the effects it had on Asia.

Anyway. How was everyone’s weekend? Good? Bad? Well I will give the appropriate response to both. Oh yay. Oh no.

I have just had a maths lesson in which I created a new animal. It is a hybrid. It is called… The Shig! It is a pig and a sheep! I will draw it and post it on here later.



Oh yeah I went to drama on Saturday and we were acting out 9/11 using physical theatre and music and my group did a scene on a plane and I got to have a breakdown and I managed to cry and shake and I made people cry! As an amateur actress that is one of the best compliments ever. It means that you made it real enough to make someone experience such a strong emotion! So yay!

I am going now so I will leave you with this.

Bye bye


You can follow me but I don’t know where I’m going!

twitter: @tabbymilton

instagram: @tabeeeee_milton