What I wore to the Seaside!

Firstly, I would like to point out that I have burnt my arm.


And onward my dear friends as we take a look at what I like to wear!!!

So as I told you all, I went to the Seaside yesterday and it was BLOODY FREEZING!!! This is me doing my best not to freeze to death.


So yeah it was pretty cold but we had fun nonetheless! Here is me and my mum taking shelter from the wind behind a wall!


And after partially freezing we had fish and chips followed by an hour in the arcade! Here is my sister and I playing Skeeball!


And now for the part you have all been waiting for… WHAT I WORE!!! And where to get it…

IMG_0783 So… I have had these clothes for quite a while so you might not be able to find them but here we go…

Denim Jacket: New Look (Generation)

Dress: Poetry

Belt: New Look

Bag: H&M

Sandals: Store Twenty One

Well there you have it! Number one on the list is done. I hope you enjoyed it because I enjoyed writing (well typing) it and I think I might do another fashion one tomorrow… Hmmm, we’ll see…



Instagram: @tabeeeee_milton

Twitter: @tabbymilton

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutouvj70Z6LJpA5_WwEKrg





Today I am doing a fashion post! I am at school now so I can’t write everything that I want to. However, I do have a list that I want to share with you! This is the list of things that will soon be appearing in my fashion posts!!!

1. What I wore to the seaside.

2. How to do simple nail designs

3. Generational Fashion

4. My favourites

5. My must haves

6. Hairstlyes with hairbands

7. The milkmaid braid (dutch braid)

8. My make up

9. Sunglasses

10. The sock bun

Okay so there are ten posts that will be headed your way soon. So later on today I will be posting again and that post will be something off this list…



Instagram: @tabeeeee_milton

Twitter: @tabbymilton


I hate it when people assume things

I hate it when people just assume things. They think they know everything, when in fact, they have no idea what’s actually going on. The same as jumping to conclusions. Just let things play out and then judge it. Don’t judge halfway through. Again that saying ‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’, says everything. You can’t just presume what someone is like by looking at them.

If you wonder what I’m getting at, it’s this. People look at me and think ‘She has an easy life’ everyone has secrets and you don’t know all of them and never will. You won’t know their history, their likes, dislikes and you won’t know them. You can be best friends with someone and I can guarantee that there is something they won’t know about you. You may think that your problem is the worst and that it makes your life awful but that problem might be nothing to someone else. My point is everyone has problems and to you they might seem like nothing but to them, their problem is equally as bad as yours.

Sorry about the rant, I just felt a bit angry and needed to say how I felt! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I forgot what day it was and that I was meant to be posting something!

New video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhb8FjLCbUg&feature=youtu.be


Twitter: @tabbymilton

Instagram: @tabeeeee_milton

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutouvj70Z6LJpA5_WwEKrg?feature=guide


I think I will call this post ‘I don’t know what to call this post!’

There. Now we have the title out of the way we can move on.

Facebook has changed on my phone and I do not like the new chat thingy. In fact, I hate it.

My dog threw up today. Twice. Whilst we were eating. I did not want to eat anymore.

I like writing short sentences today.

I have drama tomorrow. Two lots of two hour sessions.

On Sunday I have auditions for the pantomime. I hope I get in.

My room is being painted. It’s looking good.

My sister is ill. She is watching MY Harry Potter box set.

New Youtube Video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLjDvxh_Tfw&feature=youtu.be

That is all!



Twitter: @tabbymilton

Instagram: @tabeeeee_milton

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutouvj70Z6LJpA5_WwEKrg?feature=watch