So it was my birthday on friday…

And I had a house party and people threw up in my toilet.

So that was fun. To be fair one of them had done 5 shots of Jack Daniels and the other was drinking jungle juice straight from the punch bowl… No wonder they threw up.

Luckily I didn’t have to clear it up but it did mean that the bathroom stank of booze fuelled vomit.

It was a decent night but I was so fucking stressed all the time! It’s true about what people say about never enjoying your own party. There were good points. Such as when the chicken nuggets were cooked… And when the pizza was handed out…

But everyone seemed to have a good time and that’s all I really wanted so I was happy.

Okay I have a more interesting post coming next time I write so that should be good.




As Promised…

Yep so here I am again. Not to apologise for not writing this time. This time I’m here to tell you what has been going on in the life of Tabby (the bumbling, mostly useless, teenage girl).

So let’s start with September…
– I started year eleven
– I started mentoring in drama on Saturdays which means I spend 8 hours in a drama studio on a Saturday which I love.
– I found I get to be DSM (deputy stage manager) for a production full of small children which means I call cues and curtains and lights and songs and run the show from the wings
– I started rehearsals for pantomime and also the Shakespeare Schools Festival
– I took a lot of selfies

– I went to a campout (details to follow in separate blog post containing a hypothetical cockerel called Trevor)
– I got very very drunk
– I got very very very drunk
– My default greeting is now “BONJOUR!” in a thick yorkshire accent
– I now say merci instead of thanks

– I slowly started turning french
– I went to bonfire night with a massive group of friends which was awesome
– I went on a trip to Whitby for coursework and had fish and chips in a restaurant and pretended to be civilised
– I went to a party and fell over a lot
– I woke up with a lot of bruises and had no idea why I had them
– I ate a lot of pizza
– I performed in the Shakespeare Schools Festival (our school won) I got to eat haribos on stage and be mean to the audience and look really sassy which was fun
– I made up a badass handshake with my pantomime friend

– Pantomime starts
– I destain myself from punching several small children
– I took a lot of selfies in a cat costume
– I took a lot of selfies in a 50’s costume
– I had a social gathering for avid lovers of pizza and nachos
– I took my dog for a walk at midnight and saw a drunk man lying on the ground
– I saw another drunk man trying to walk straight
– I laughed
– Trip to Ikea whilst wearing a mushroom hat
– Took more selfies
– NEW YEAR!!!!

– Started wearing hats
– Took a picture of an adorable small child wearing my hat
– Went to a party and had jelly shots which i think are simply the best idea in the world
– Planned for my birthday party

It’s my birthday on Friday and I’m having a house party and I’m really excited but kind of scared at the same time… But mainly excited!

I also didn’t mention but I had my mock exams through November and December whilst only being in school 3 days a week due to performing… Which was interesting…
I’m happy with my results though. I did much better than I expected.

I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week and until I next see you,




If I like your post….

And it’s about something sad like you feel depressed or lonely, it’s not because I like the fact that you are suffering it’s because I want you to know that someone read your words and is there for you. It is a supportive gesture 🙂


Are you even on my level of awesomeness like seriously dude I have freaking unicorn pyjama bottoms!!!!!!!!!!

So this morning I got up at 5:30 (YES ON A SATURDAY YES IT WAS LIKE HELL) to go help my Dad at the car boot sale but late last night I was invited to go out with a few friends for a birthday lunch at Pizza Express and shopping afterwards and I had an absolute ball even though I was tired as fuck (wtf does that even mean… I’m really tired DON’T JUDGE ME!!!) I bought these unicorn pyjama bottoms after my friend Gabi showed me them in Strasbourg and I really needed some (YES NEEDED NOT WANTED!!!)

We went to Starbucks and marvelled at the fact that the barista spelt our names correctly and gossiped and bitched and compared items.

This was Lily’s cake and y’all should go follow her on twitter because tomorrow is her birthday and that would be cool!!!


So I think I’ll do a haul post tomorrow with pictures of the things I bought and where from and stuff like that so look forward to (or don’t) to that.



Hey Guys

Yeah so I don’t know what to blog about… Well I do…… I have a list in my head and I have a blog post ready to come straight from my disorganised but perfectly functional brain but…… I can’t be bothered to actually type it out and I don’t have time and I’m just in one of those moods and to be perfectly honest, I’m only blogging so that I don’t feel bad about the fact that I haven’t blogged…..

It’s Monday…… I fucking hate mondays…..

It was my birthday on Thursday and my friends slept at mine on Friday and we had long discussions about who we shipped each other with….. Yeah I know……

Erm…….. Not a whole lot has happened that I remember…..

I have reached season 4 in Supernatural!!!!!!! OMFG CASTIEL…….. I UNDERSTAND GUYS I UNDERSTAND

Jesus Christ okay then….. *takes deep breaths to calm self down*…….

*doesn’t work……..dies*





Tabby will be back after resuscitation……. Please leave a message after the tone


