
*sings at the top of her voice* THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS!!!!!!!

Favourite Colour: Turquoise

Favourite Animal: Platypus, llamas, my dog

Favourite Food: Chips

Favourite Word: Bollocks

Favourite Band: AHHHHHHHHHH TOO MANY!!!!

Favourite Singer: SEE ABOVE!!!!!

Favourite TV Show: Any crime show like White Collar, Sherlock, Criminal Minds (what I call ‘smart shows’)

Favourite Pizza: Hawaiian (pineapple and ham)

Favourite Desert: Chocolate fudge brownie, apple crumble or toffee sundae

Favourite Popcorn: Butter

Favourite Number: 8, 16

Favourite Book: The Fault In Our Stars, Hitlers Canary and loads more

Favourite Fruit: Blueberries

Favourite Vegetable: Carrot

Favourite Drink: Still cloudy lemonade or anything from Costa or Starbucks!

Favourite Meal: Fish fingers and custard… or plain spaghetti




What I wore to the Seaside!

Firstly, I would like to point out that I have burnt my arm.


And onward my dear friends as we take a look at what I like to wear!!!

So as I told you all, I went to the Seaside yesterday and it was BLOODY FREEZING!!! This is me doing my best not to freeze to death.


So yeah it was pretty cold but we had fun nonetheless! Here is me and my mum taking shelter from the wind behind a wall!


And after partially freezing we had fish and chips followed by an hour in the arcade! Here is my sister and I playing Skeeball!


And now for the part you have all been waiting for… WHAT I WORE!!! And where to get it…

IMG_0783 So… I have had these clothes for quite a while so you might not be able to find them but here we go…

Denim Jacket: New Look (Generation)

Dress: Poetry

Belt: New Look

Bag: H&M

Sandals: Store Twenty One

Well there you have it! Number one on the list is done. I hope you enjoyed it because I enjoyed writing (well typing) it and I think I might do another fashion one tomorrow… Hmmm, we’ll see…



Instagram: @tabeeeee_milton

Twitter: @tabbymilton

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutouvj70Z6LJpA5_WwEKrg




I am in Textiles and I am sneakily writing a blog!

Hello again! Aren’t you lucky, two posts in less than 6 hours! I am sneakily writing another post in the graphics suite as there is no teacher here and I am bored! There are two really annoying people sat in the room with me and one of them thinks he is better than everyone because he is like a child genius with no social skills. He is literally an emotionless, shall we say, fish. Her isn’t really a fish he just has the emotions of a fish. The other is an okay person who I sit next to in History but he is still quite annoying and eats cream with sticky toffee pudding?! Who does that?! Everyone knows it has to be custard!

Bye. I have to go now it’s almost time for the bell to go and then I can go home!



I am a fish

I am currently sat in my history lesson. I have nothing to do so I thought I would write a post. I am taking after my dear friend Elly the Welly and being a badass in history! I have been emailing my friend across the classroom and our conversation has been very interesting.

Me: I want to be a fish. I will live in the sea and I will not have to take any GCSE’s but I may have to take a lifesaver swimming course. 

Beth: You may be kidnapped by jellyfish and made to build a civilisation out of jam sandwiches and mascara.

Just thought you might like to know what I get up to when I’m meant to be learning about the reform acts between 1819 and 1874! Welcome to the random world of me.

Huvasti (that’s Estonian for goodbye!)

Follow me on twitter @tabbymilton